Parking Management
Parking management incorporates various tactics to maximize the use of existing parking facilities and improve the user experience of parking facilities. Parking management can help address a variety of issues including underutilized facilities or limited parking availability.
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There are a variety of ways that buildings can manage parking. If you’re experiencing a parking shortage or want to promote more sustainable travel options, ATP has a few suggestions to curb parking demand at your site.
Create a daily parking rate
By removing an individual’s commitment to monthly parking, employers and properties reframe the commute as a daily decision. With many companies encouraging telework, along with the DC region’s many commuting options, a daily rate creates flexibility that is lacking in monthly or annual parking fees – keeping parking available for those who need it while reducing your building’s carbon footprint.
Unbundled parking pricing
Unbundled parking pricing ensures that the amount of parking that is being used is what is being paid for. With bundled parking, a certain number of spaces are automatically included with a building lease, entailing that the cost of parking is carried even if its not used by a tenant. Conversely, with unbundled parking, each space is paid for only if it is used. Unbundled parking pricing can be charged on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or annual basis.
Parking cash out program
Employers providing free or subsidized parking to employees can create a parking cash out program, offering a financial incentive for employees who opt to use sustainable modes instead of driving alone to work. Through this type of program, an employer gives the user a choice of continuing to drive alone and using a parking space at work or receiving a cash payment for giving up the space and getting to work via a sustainable mode. This type of program eliminates the often times hidden cost of parking and has been shown to have large effects on the drive alone rate at a building.