Vanpool Program
Through our vanpool program, Arlington Transportation Partners (ATP) works with local vanpool companies to help secure easy and affordable transit in and out of Arlington County. We succeed in forming and filling commuter vanpools by working with interested riders and local employers.
Using transit benefits to pay for the vanpool allows it to be one of the most cost-effective commute options modes available.
Learn more: What is a Vanpool? | Vanpooling Advantages | Vanpools for I-66 | Resources | Blogs
What is a Vanpool?
Vanpools are like carpools—they consist of a driver and passengers with similar commute origins and destinations. However, vanpools accommodate four to 15 passengers and must use a vehicle that has at least seven available seats. The federal government classifies vanpools as a form of transit, which means the participants in a vanpool program can pay for their ride with a transit benefit.
Vanpools are most cost effective when they start at least 15 miles or more from their destination. The pricing for the van depends on the number of riders and the distance traveled.
How to start a commuter vanpool at a company
- ATP meets with employers and interested individuals to discuss vanpool opportunities at your organization
- The team assists with finding additional riders, either from your company or nearby locations, to reach the minimum (4) number of riders
- ATP connects interested riders with a local vanpool company to reserve a vehicle
- The team then coordinates with employers to connect a rider’s transportation benefits
How individuals can join a vanpool
- Visit JoinAVanpool.com
- Submit contact information and work hours
- Vanpool companies in the area will check to find matches for specified routes and times, and follow-up with commuters to let them know of potential ride matches